A welcoming funerary complex

Located in Prévost, in the Laurentians, Les Sentiers offers its visitors
a warm, welcoming environment as well as kindhearted guidance.


Here at Les Sentiers,
we know that mourning is a unique experience that varies from person to person.

Our mission is one of ongoing adaptation and renewal, of giving and caring, of generously guiding and supporting every single person who knocks on our door for help or services.


Through our services, we endeavour to deliver the very best experience.

The values guiding our daily operations are: Attentiveness | Empathy | Strength of character | Proactiveness and adaptability


Les Sentiers shows great commitment toward the community, and always will

Through various initiatives, we lend our support to several community-based organizations and/or individuals dealing with challenges, be it on a personal, financial or other level.

Pro bono reception halls

When a local community group turns to us to organize an event in one of our venues, we gladly open our doors to them, free of charge.

When our venues are provided for free, customers can expect the same level of service excellence we are known for. Our staff will provide a warm welcome in a magnificent setting carefully adapted to the customer’s needs and expectations.

Free funeral services

The loss of a child or a baby is a life-changing event. To avoid placing an additional burden on families, we have decided to cover the basic funeral costs in such circumstances.
We have voluntarily established this initiative (not funded by the government) in collaboration with the CISSS des Laurentides, for all residents of our large region, which spans from Deux-Montagnes to Mont-Laurier.

Support network for vulnerable persons

We have formed a partnership with Palliavie and Faubourg to provide a safety net for local people in need.

We often meet people facing difficult situations that lead to vulnerability. As we listen to their stories, we are able to discreetly direct them toward the proper resources, as needed.

Community-based commitments

When Les Sentiers decides to associate itself with an event or a cause, we take our commitment seriously and with great pride.

For instance, we have been a major partner of the Salon des aînés since its very first edition. Each year, we eagerly renew our contribution and step up when we are able to help meet specific needs.

Our Dedicated Team
Our team of helpful and considerate professionals is at your service

Great thought and consideration goes into each and every interaction to enable a clear understanding of our products and services. Transparency and honesty are the pillars of our approach to shepherd you in making decisions true to your beliefs and wishes.

Our ultimate goal is for you to be well surrounded during this trying process. Every single one of our actions is steered towards healing and peace of mind.

A remarkable duo with a more human take on funeral sites

For over 20 years, the two cofounders of Les Sentiers have embarked hand-in-hand on various business endeavours. At first glance, they may seem like total opposites: Guy, with his medium stance and calm, composed demeanour, and John, a tall energetic type who’s always ready for action. They form a great duo whose differences come together complimentarily in their projects to form a well-rounded recipe for success.

Guy and John are like brothers—both are passionate about life, nature and people. This passion is what fuels their vision of offering a unique funeral complex with exceptional service in a beautiful, natural setting.

Passion and dedication: the common thread that binds our team

You may wonder what would make someone want to start up or work at a funeral home. Learn more about the people that make up our dedicated team here at Les Sentiers.

John learned early on, way back in his paperboy days, that customer loyalty was earned by offering the best possible customer experience. His nearly 45 years of experience in customer service are key to the success of the business he has cofounded. “Building a cemetery is simple. Getting families to come and adopt it is a huge challenge that requires tremendous effort.” More than 12 years after the opening of Les Sentiers, John continues to work diligently to offer one-of-a-kind services and experiences, in an effort to go beyond the expectations of families.


“At Les Sentiers, light and life always take centre stage.”

John Tittel,

Tel.: 450-565-6464 / 1 844-565-6464

Annie Moquin

Customer Experience Manager

Within our team here at Les Sentiers, Annie M. is the person we can always count on to think of everything. She has an uncanny ability to remember all the little details, all while taking great care of those around her. Having joined our team in 2015, Annie M. contributes generously through her professional experience, her warm smile and her commitment to provide exceptional service. She is appreciated by everyone who has ever had the chance to work with her, colleagues and customers alike. It’s no surprise that she is now involved in all of the company’s major projects.


Un weekend rempli d’émotions. Merci Les Sentiers qui est tellement un bel endroit….la vue, le personnel, l’ambiance, et j’en passe et que dire de la célébrante Suzie Prénovost une personne  merveilleuse et humaine. Merci ma belle-famille d’amour Bon voyage papa, pour toujours dans nos pensées et nos coeurs.



Tout au long de notre accompagnement, votre délicatesse a été réconfortante et rassurante, et ce à partir de notre première rencontre jusqu’à la mise en terre de mon papa.

Chacun d’entre vous a contribué à tout mettre en œuvre pour nous faciliter la tâche à chacune des étapes. Je vous remercie d’avoir rendu possible cette belle journée de recueillement et de rassemblement malgré des conditions sanitaires précises à respecter. Soyez assurés que chaque attention a été remarquée et appréciée.

J’aimerais que vous transmettiez nos remerciements les plus sincères à toutes les personnes qui ont été impliquées, de près ou de loin, dans cet événement.

Patricia Savard


Je veux vous remercier, vous d’abord Monsieur Tittel, pour votre belle écoute et votre disponibilité lors du décès de mon mari Aurélien Boisvert. Votre approche est humaine et réconfortante. Également, je veux souligner le travail impeccable accompli par le directeur qui a officialisé ou plutôt dirigé la cérémonie à l’église et au cimetière. Il avait toujours le souci et la délicatesse d’aller selon le désir de la famille. Et à la toute fin il a adressé la parole comme si c’était le défunt qui énonçait ses dernières volontés.

Tous étaient unanimes, c’était spécial, unique et touchant. Il est vraiment dans sa profession. Merci de lui transmettre notre gratitude et notre satisfaction.

Émilienne B. Boisvert


Merci beaucoup Monsieur Tittel, vos services nous enlèvent un poids sur nos épaules.

Manon Laroque


Je voulais vous remercier pour la belle cérémonie pour Esteban, tout était parfait, malgré le grand nombre de personnes. 

Rodolfo Garcia

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